Thoughtful. Creative. Unique.
Lundstrom Studios is a relatively young, but driven company, focused on bringing spaces to life and expressing culture through real estate development.
Our favorite projects are historic in nature and located within a city center or walkable district. We view these spaces as ideal opportunities to immerse patrons into a wide range of culture, usually unique to the area.
You could describe our mindset as unorthodox, as we see the greatest potential in going against the flow.
Andrew Lundstrom
His background in Landscape Architecture is to blame for the lushly planted, open air concepts that define the Lundstrom Studios portfolio. But it’s not all roses. A long journey through the business world is responsible for molding this fella into an detailed executioner.
While the career path for Lundstrom Studios is just beginning, we are excited to say that the wheels are now steadily churning.
His first project was merely an idea five years ago. Now, with a growing portfolio, he seeks unique opportunities with historic charm.
The experience gained through his own trials is an abundance of knowledge on what to do and what NOT to do. Lundstrom Studios proudly represents a company that can help others navigate the difficult waters of commercial real estate development.
Say Hello!
The first step to building a relationship is the introduction. So, please…